With the support from Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH), the Tri-County GLAD Mental Health Outreach Project was established in 2010 to support deaf and hard of hearing including late deafened population culturally and linguistically in order to remove stigma of mental health and to increase more awareness of getting mental health services in Ventura County. The Mental Health Outreach Project strives to empower deaf and hard of hearing people, deaf and hard of hearing parents of hearing children and hearing parents of deaf/hard of hearing children about the accessibility and utilization of prevention and early intervention services, which include:
- Mental health resources and referrals
- Community presentations to the hearing agencies and organizations
- Prevention and Early Intervention workshops for deaf and hard of hearing community members
- Community vlogs
June 2019 VLOG
Understanding Respect
Children and Rules
May 2019 VLOG
What is Aerophobia?
Mental Health Awareness
What is a Phobia?
April 2019 VLOG