Free Support Group for Deaf Survivors of California Wildfires 

Transcript: Black background. A person with short dyed hair, wearing a CODIE polo shirt with a long sleeve shirt underneath.
Tri-County GLAD serves Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind and Deaf Disabled Community in the Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. . .

Tri-County GLAD, a subsidiary of the Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc., is an agency that addresses the board social service. Tri-County GLAD provides services for deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, and deaf, disabled individuals covering three counties: Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo.
Tri-County GLAD provides Advocacy, Communication Access, Peer Counseling, Employment Development, Information and Referrals, Independent Living Skills, and Community Education services for the deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind and deaf disabled community. Our Community Education program provides educational, informational, and training workshops to the public.
Tri-County GLAD also does community outreach by liaising between the community and organizations, giving social gatherings, hosting booths at events and fairs, and expanding service to traditionally neglected areas.
Tri-County GLAD is sailing with the winds of change and empowerment for individuals in every aspect.
Tri-County GLAD’s monthly e-News updates the community on the latest events in the Tri-Counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo.
Sign Up to Receive Our e-News!

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing employee or Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing candidate wanting to apply for a non-DOT driving position, and didn’t get the job because of a hearing requirement, accommodation issue, or some other senseless requirement, please contact:
Michelle Silvers, Federal Investigator of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
255 E. Temple St., 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)894-1062 ~ V (213)894-1055 ~ Fax (714)495-2832 VP
Support Us
With your support, we can achieve even more—by meeting the needs of newborns, children, teens, adults and senior citizens through additional programs that enhance the lives of deaf and hard of hearing people everywhere.